Regular Activities

For the Dance Classes contact Louisa Bailey on , on facebook here or find more detailed information here

Pickleball currently runs in the main hall on Mondays 7-8pm. Pop in on Monday evening to find out more or get in touch with Berni McKeown. The club is open to having another session at a different time/day if there is enough interest.

Everyone Active runs a FREE Senior Fitness Class in the hall on Tuesday 11-12. You can find more information here.

Strength and Balance takes place in the hall on Wednesdays 11am-12pm with free refreshments and a chance to chat afterwards. Now £5 per class. You can find more information here.

Yoga takes place on Wednesdays 7-8pm. You can contact Thomas and find more information here.

Pilates classes with Andie are on a Thursday from 7.30pm-8.30pm. You can contact Andie on or on facebook here.

Tang Soo Do Martial Classes are not currently running, if you are interested please contact Taylor Hennah for more details

On Friday mornings from 9.30-11.15am Cherry Tots Baby and Toddler Group meet in the hall. You can find them on facebook here.

On Friday afternoons there is a Wellbeing Hub drop-in session from 1.30-4 run together by the Church and Garden House Hospice. It is a welcoming place for a cup of tea, a chat, to join in a seated exercise session or a creative activity.

Cinema Club is currently on hold. We will be running the occasional Pop-Up Pub sessions and will advertise via posters, facebook and the parish magazine.

Youth Club is on the 2nd Friday of every month 7-9pm. Children must be pre-registered once, to be able to attend. You can do this here.
You can get in touch with Youth Club on

Café and Book Exchange is open every Saturday 10.30am – 12 midday. The café will serve drinks and cakes while you browse or simply sit and chat. We welcome donations of fiction paperbacks only, in very good condition. Volunteers needed, contact Tim Moody at

Lunch Club runs on Wednesdays from 12:30 during term times in the Reading Room. Contact Jacky Jones for details.

Table Tennis Club meets on Tuesday evenings 7.30pm – 8.30pm and Thursday mornings 10.15am – 12.15pm. Contact David Pidgeon on

Nattering Needles is on the 1st Thursday of every month 2-4pm. An opportunity to meet up to work on projects with a group of like minded people and enjoy refreshments together. You can get in touch for more details on

Gentlemen’s Coffee Club is on the 4th Thursday of every month 10.30am-12 noon. You can get in touch with Mike for more information on

Ladies Friendship Group is on the 4th Thursday of every month 2-4pm. You can get in touch with Linda for more information on